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What age should a child get their ears pierced?
As someone who has pierced ears for over 40 years, my standard rule of thumb is when the child can actually tell you they want it done.
Keep in mind when you want your child to have their ears pierced what is even at 6 months of age will doubtfully be even at 5 years of age as the ears continue to grow.
What Is the Best Age for Ear Piercing?
Keep in mind the immune system is still developing in babies and creating an open wound ... leaves the door open to infections. Some pediatricians suggest waiting until they are at least 6 months old. There is also the option of waiting until they are old enough to decide for themselves and thus old enough to take charge of the care involved too.
Age restrictions are not a result of medical evidence or physical complications--rather it is common sense that sways the decision. Newborn babies have very small earlobes as a rule and the probability of misplaced piercings and infections would naturally be higher. The clear facts are this, it is a personal decision that parents should make together. Hopefully, you will investigate where to get it done, like not at home or a friend’s house, but by a professional. unique without similar with others for bridesmaid

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