champagne color cocktail party collections

Someone asked me one time, "why do you go so hard against black people?" And I replied, "I don't go against black people, black people go against themselves. I only address the issues we have and tear down the errors within so that black people can make it a figment of their imagination to change that." I speak and act the way that I do because I don't want to be the typical street, drunk, angry, militant, over-dramatic, miserable, nymphomaniac person of color that has been created as a culture in our community. I have no shame in calling out what is and isn't. Not too mention, these are my kinsmen and I was born into this ethnic group. I wasn't born Armenian, Chinese, hispanic, Arabian, Irish, Mexican, etc, I was born an African man. So I cannot speak on their issues, how they raise their children, how they treat their men or women, how beautiful or ugly their anatomy is, because I'm not them and don't wish to become them. I love whom I was born as, and whom I'm born into, but it doesn't mean I adore or give praise to the countless antics our people deem as right and permissible because of a great setback from 400 years ago. What we have created, compared to back then, are shackles in our minds to continue living in ignorance and be evil towards one another and blame other races constantly for our struggles. Though they are an external factor, they are not the major problem, we are amongst our own. In the end, I fight to bring logic and truth back in us to say I'm not going to let my conditions define me. But in the end, words won't do it, but if it hurts for them to see a brighter side, then I hope it blinds them to where they'll eventually appreciate seeing a brighter reality instead of living in a veil of confusion. Nothing is beautiful about being cold-hearted or blissfully ignorant. champagne color cocktail party collections